ONLINE FREE Virtual Retreat for Female Entrepreneurs I SEPTEMBER 23 - 26th

If you're sick of playing small & are ready to be powerful, join me for my online virtual retreat

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If You’re a Female Entrepreneur & your spirit is crying out for MORE (more wealth, more freedom, more impact & more joy...)

...and you know in your heart of hearts you're holding back and playing small.

I invite you to claim your space at my FREE online virtual retreat, The Rewilding Online

I'll show you how to unlock your innate elemental power and wisdom, so you can feel unstoppable, and embrace the final quarter of 2024 as the Warrior Queen you truly are.

...and the best bit, it's free !

Register for your place today and know this is your line in the sand - it gets to be different now.

Powerful intention and following the call of courage.

All from the comfort of your own home.

Warning : This could seriously change the trajectory of your life.

This is a completely unique and brand new experience. I'm taking the essence of transformation from my celebrated in-person retreat, and bringing it to you at zero cost.

Sign Me Up

Join The Rewilding Online virtual retreat, and reclaim your feminine power

I Consent to Receive Marketing Communication from Claire Ackers. Unsubscribe at any time

Carly Says

"The Rewilding retreat changed my life"

Paula Says

"A holiday for your headspace to breathe & recharge"

The year is slipping by, & 2024 hasn't yet been the triumph you dreamed of... On paper you have all the ingredients to make magic with your business & yet, despite your best efforts, you seem to be missing that ONE SECRET INGREDIENT to tip you from 'ticking along nicely' to SOARING

Because you know in your heart of hearts it's possible for you.

You didn't put your heart on the line and launch a business to be average.

You're here to live your purpose and fulfil your potential and live YOUR version of a dream business, which in turn allows you to live your dream life.

AND - this is the secret sauce - you know that YOU are the secret ingredient.

You are the person that's holding back, playing small. Tempering your dreams and vision by what you think is realistic, by what's acceptable, by what's achiveable.

You're brilliant, bold & brave... And yet you somehow feel disconnected from your power.

You feel worn, and tired and jaded... And are so sick of trying your best, and putting it all on the line, only to fall short.

But you fiercely desire to reclaim your power.

This is precisely why you need to attend. Not just register, but actually be here live and engage.

Click the link and make space for this in your diary today. Wouldn't it feel awesome to feel powerful again, and have some fun along the way?

This virtual retreat has been designed to give you maximum results for the time invested.

Short bite-sized sessions, hosted in a dedicated Facebook group so you can rewatch and digest at your leisure

Go and sign up now!

Wondering if this is for you? Here's how to tell…

If you can say "YEP THAT'S ME" to ANY of these, go and sign up right now.

  • You’re a powerful, heart-led female entrepreneur who feels disconnected from that power. You're doing all-the-things you're supposed to be successful, and frustrated as hell you're not seeing the results you want

  • You’re brilliant, bold & brave already. Committed, focused & able to take massive action AND AT THE SAME TIME you're worn, jaded and over-extended

  • You’re excited by living your purpose. You're here for an extraordinary life, to be of massive service to your clients but also to fulfil your own potential

  • Your spirit is calling out for adventure, the call of the wild. You already know you feel at your best when you're in nature, and you LOVE the idea of unleashing your feminine power to help your business

  • You’re sick of the hustle and doing what makes sense on paper. You want to learn how to trust your intuition and inner wisdom, there's something inside you that's calling you home

  • You love the idea of learning something new alongside a community of like-minded female entrepreneurs, on a similar journey of becoming

Sign Me Up

Join The Rewilding Online virtual retreat, and reclaim your feminine power

I Consent to Receive Marketing Communication from Claire Ackers. Unsubscribe at any time

Sign up for this powerful series of 45 minute sessions designed to help you reconnect & activate your power, whatever stage of business you're at.

Here's what we have planned...

DAY 1, Release & Reclaim

Monday September 23rd 19:00

This is the conversation you've been waiting to have. Before we can awaken your adventure- you must get clarity on the REAL reason you're stuck.

Day One is all about the Top Ten Mistakes Female Entrepreneurs make when it comes to being powerful

  • You'll understand how and why you've been stuck

  • And how to release that crap so there is space for MORE of what you DO want

  • I'll be sharing the six powerful pillars you must master in order to step into your power

  • Plus we'll reconnect you to your big, audacious dream - no more tolerating mediocre results, we're going to reconnect to your fire.

DAY 2, Your Wealth Frequency

Tuesday September 24th 19:00

How to stop hustling and instead tune into the frequency of wealth.

How the Money Paradigms you're not even aware of are running the show, and strangling your results - and what to do about it.

How to stop holding back and playing small, and instead embrace your soul's purpose and unique wisdom.

Plus how to tap into your feminine energy and intuition to vastly accelerate your performance, and to be your own version of a wealthy woman.

DAY 3, Recalibrate & Rise

Wednesday September 25th, 19:00

Learn how to claim your space & unapologetically use your voice

Discover how to use this unleashed feminine energy & wisdom to have greater impact & influence

You'll learn:

How to be authentically visible

How to be magnetic, so you spread like wildfire

The fast-track route to being a trail-blazer

DAY 4, Homecoming: How to Rewild Yourself

Thursday September 26th, 19:00

The Grand Finale. You won't want to miss this. This is where we take everything we've learnt over 3 days and reveal how to apply this magic to your business


Transform your results and performance, so you end 2024 on a total high

Clarity on exactly WHO you need to be to feel POWERFUL

I’ll show you step by step my morning routine for authentic self-mastery .TIP; it’s quicker & easier than you think.

I’ll show you how the most powerful women are taking control of their destiny by focusing on SIX ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS.


This is really special: I'm taking the landmark elements that make my in-person Rewilding retreat SO transformational... And bringing them to you... Virtually

You'll get to experience:

  • the magic of the mountain infinity pool

  • the powerful intention of a cacao ceremony

  • the unique essence and energy of the nature connection that The Rewilding offers

PLUS... a whole load more - including some surprises along the way

Sign Me Up

Join The Rewilding Online virtual retreat, and reclaim your feminine power

I Consent to Receive Marketing Communication from Claire Ackers. Unsubscribe at any time

Nice to meet you, I'm Claire

I'm so pleased you're here!

It's my mission to help as many female entrepreneurs as I can have more income and more impact through growing businesses that set their souls on fire.

For over 15 years I've been helping frustrated, overwhelmed women in business transform their companies by showing them how to transmute their Origin Story Paradigm & unleash their true authentic self.

Lost your mojo and feeling lost and disconnected from your purpose? Want to create a world-changing company, but feel like you're wading through treacle? Worried about whether you've got what it takes and if you've been a deluded fool?

Work with me and I'll get you so fired up, certain and inspired that even your wildest dreams will feel inevitable.

Join me inside the Elemental Mastermind and get ready to finally experience the life you know you're capable of.

This is the game-changer you've been looking for.

Hear from Claire's clients

" It's been like a seismic shift in my DNA"

Kay Boyce, Founder, FFE

" Claire changed my life"

Carly Watson, Consultant

" I wouldn't have made it to where I am today without you, Claire

Anna Sutton, exited Founder, The Data Shed, CEO The Data Refinery

" A real voyage of self-discovery.

It's allowed me to look deep inside myself & make changes - & celebrate too."

It's been so supportive"

Sara Donnelly, Founder, Beyond Echo PR

" I should've made this investment years ago."

Mary Ahern, CEO, Alps Education


Sign Me Up

Join The Rewilding Online virtual retreat, and reclaim your feminine power

I Consent to Receive Marketing Communication from Claire Ackers. Unsubscribe at any time

Copyright © 2024 Claire Ackers